Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My hurt Foot

Well how it happened........

I was at My Best Friends House Megan Garsides. And we were playing outside. I was running And my whole right foot twisted under like a taco. And I fell And started to scream and cry!!  Her Awesome dad Carried me into their house onto the couch and Megan hurried and called my mom. She hurry and came over. Alan Garside her awesome dad carried me like a potato to my moms car! She hurried and took me straight to the hospital. once we got there she wheeled me in to the  big building on a wheel chair.they finally called me back. they tested my blood pressure and heart beat. Then they took me into get X-Rays. I was still crying We took the X-rays and went back to a room. they came in and told me I didnt break a bone but if it was still hurting with the big boot on in 2 weeks then I had to get and MRI. the 2 weeks are not over but 1 week is already up and my foot still KILLS. But I wpould Like to thank my Family and the Garside Family for helping me out!!!!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Birthday and summer!!!

It was my B-day and I got a cricut cake and cake decorating classes!!!!! I am so excited!
So our last day was two days ago and on the last day of school I got sick with the flu! I had the flu on the first day of summer it was horrible here is a picture of the cricut cake................

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