Monday, November 2, 2009

Swine Flu

Hey Everyone Watch Out for the swine flu I am sick with it , it started later halloween night, and I was sick on sunday and todayI hate It :( , Heres some websites about Swine Flu. ALWAYS WASH YOUR HANDS. I have been feeling better today so I hope to be better by 4:00pm. I HATE IT. I had A HIGH Fever I was 101.5 F. you have a Bad Headache I get bad headaches the I have Migrains :( Stomache ache, And Tons more stuff :( I am getting better, my tempature right now is...........100.0 F. : I wash my hands when ever I do something so About 3 Times an Hour . and I'm loaded on medicine, ( not that much) I have to take medicine between 4 to 6 Hours


  1. ok ick i hate getting sick, i just barley got over swine flu. it suck!!! fell better caitlyn

  2. I did not know that you had the SWINE FLUE!!I still love you!


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